World Bank Group’s future work in Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea (PNG) is one of the world’s most diverse nations. With immense natural resources, a young population and geographic location on the edge of Asia, PNG has huge opportunities and potential. However PNG is faced with major challenges, including an economy that is reliant on extractives but has seen few people benefit. The World Bank Group’s new Country Partnership Framework for Papua New Guinea will guide the work of the World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC) in PNG in the coming years.
This job was a mammoth task – describing complex issues in a fun and engaging way. Not only did I construct and edit this piece by sifting through thousands of files and hundreds of hours of footage. But I also developed the branding from scratch. Usually jobs come to me with an already defined Style Guide. On this one I had free reign. I developed colours, motifs and all the graphics which I then used in the animated sections. I loved creating all the isometric elements, including villages, farms, cities and volcanoes. I had a lot of fun with this project.